Saturday, March 29, 2008

Man time

Sometimes Steve and I go shopping together. Sometimes we go out to eat together. Sometimes we stay up late and talk about girls. We have matching man-bags, t-shirts, and bath soap. We plan on buying matching shoes and matching pants. You could say we have a close relationship. And that we've possibly been influenced towards a more feminine nature from the lengthy and very close living arrangements we have with eleven females. But you might also be a guy reading this and see something else. You might see our "manship" as more survival mode than unfortunate evolution. Which is the perspective Steve and I like to take. Have you ever felt like an only child adopted into a family of eleven girls? Have you ever felt like you were a girl? If you haven't, you've had nightmares about it...if you're a guy, that is. And upon waking, you've sought out your guy friends, not girl friends, to ease the horrific memories of the night before through root-beer, pizza, and a bad-movie-night (bad acting, I mean. Not know, stuff). And it's not that you hate girls that you need man time. It's that you're glad you're a guy and not a girl, and the more crowded you are with girls the more you need to remind yourself you're not one. Girls are fantastic. But both genders agree there's a definite need to celebrate gender differences. And that's what Steve and I are doing when we spend time together away from the girly types. This however, does not explain the feminine nature of our manly celebrations. For that I ask, have you ever been to Taiwan? Is there really anything that manly to do in a land where grown men wear pink and giggle like girls when they say "hello" to a passer-by American? Don't get me wrong--I like Taiwanese dudes. They have their gender going for them. But I'm having trouble remaining a manly man in this culture. So we're girly men. But given our living situation, I'm glad we're still at least that.


Meagan said...

But Joe, I'm curious to know which "bad movies" make you feel more manly? I'm watching Dirty Dancing as I type... :)

Lena said...

You're hotty, Joe :)

Brittany said...

This is fantastic!! Haha! I totally feel your sentiments, mate. And you're so right...are there "manly" men in Taiwan? They have a distinction which I def would not call "manly" (in our sense of the word). How lucky you are to have another guy at Berhan! During my time, there was just one guy...he met his future wife in our group, so I don't think he minded the male deprivation TOO much. Well, Joe, the synapses in my brain have fired and I think I MIGHT have a connection. I was a music minor as well and took a psychology of music (or was it performance?) class Fall 2002 or Winter 2003. Did you take that class?? If not, we'll just say we're long lost friends reunited at last! I will put a link to your excellent blog onto my own so we can stay connected! It's super fun to be taken back to Taiwan every now and then :) Hope you're well and that the kids are behaving for you! Good luck in your manly pursuits!

Brittany said...

Hold it...I think I've got it! Did you take CONDUCTING with Seretta Hart Fall 2004? Maybe your sister was in the same class! Two options--hopefully one is a winner! :)

Matthew K said...

I guess that I will be the fist guy to comment on this post. I have nothing more to say really, besides stay manly.

Emmy said...

Oh Joe-
We miss you in Boston. I'm glad your Ben's brother, it's nice to be related to such a manly man. :) We had the Murphys over for dinner last night. They asked about you...Ryan was wondering how we can get you married off...
I'll miss hearing some 'live from Joe' Ben stories...that's what we're doing around the dinner table tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... Joe I'm not gonna lie, this is pretty comical. I like it. My FAVORITE part is that of your response comments 6/7 are from individuals of the female gender. So classic.