Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Here's a couple pics to prove the words


Lena said...

Джозеф!! Ты такой симпотичный )))
И Тайвань тоже неплохо выглядит

Maren B said...

Wow, Joe, you look sooooo....happy.

Lena said...

Джозеф, а как ты можешь так палец отгибать на 90° ??
Я даже на 5° не могу :(

joseph said...

Lena, I'm 90 percent special. that's why my thumb can go back 90 degrees. If you can make yours go back 5 degrees, then you are . . . already 5 percent special! Keep practicing.

greysquirrelb said...

Joe - How come you look so good? You increase the competition guys in my life have to face with each passing year! Ha! It will be my lifetime sorrow...having to settle when I've seen what an amazing combo two sets of genes can make!